Blindfolded and oblivious

Sunday, October 15, 2006
So I think it's finally attempting to get cold around here. It's been raining, or at least, trying to rain, for about 3 days now and the temperature has been fluctuating by a good 15 degrees in the mid afternoon. I'm really excited to start my 19 dreary autumn. It's my favorite season.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
As a member of the human race, I feel that it is my duty to perform tasks that benefit mankind as a whole. My career should be one that either progresses or maintains society as a whole as well as one that supports myself and my possible future family financially. I should be kind to my fellow man, helpful to those in need, and I should reporduce so as to continue the existence of the human race beyond my lifetime.
So my question is this: If these are the goals that I know to be the most benificial, both for myself and mankind as a whole, why do I have so very little desire to attempt to achieve them?
my wishlist
1. Read the entire wheel of time series

2. Get married

3. Spend a month in Spain

4. Spend a month in London, England

5. Spend at least a month in New Zealand.

6. Become a famous film director

7. Win an Oscar

8. Learn to play the guitar

9. Play the part of Bottom in “Midsummer Night’s dream” (done)

10. Star in a major motion picture.

11. Be the antagonist in a major motion picture.

12. Live as a hermit for a month.

13. Beat the crap out of someone...(done)

14. Move out of Texas.

15. Write a hit play.

16. Go on a mission’s trip (done)

17. become a spy and infiltrate a super secret society.

18. Write a best selling book.

19. become rich and buy all my friends they’re greatest dream.

20. Fall deeply and truly in love with someone who loves me as much as I love her. (done)

21. Backpack around Europe for a few years.

21. Invent something that revolutionizes the world.

22. Make love to only one person my entire life.

23. Buy a house in the mountains in New Zealand.

24. Wake up with fog so thick all around me I can’t see a few feet in front of me.

25. Give a tithe of a million dollars.

26. Become a National Merrit scholar for the PSAT (done).

26. Play Rosencrantz in "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead."

27. Read all the Redwall books.(that's not gonna happen. they're way too numerous and borring)

28. Run a marathon. (if only i wasn't so fat and lazy)

29. Memorize the periodic table of elemants. ( don't kow why...)

30. Be someone’s best friend.(hopefully that's done, but I want to keep this one going)

31. Get the crap beaten out of me.

32. Eat a meal consisting entirely of condiments.

33. Have a snowball fight. (done)

34. Make a snowman. (done)

35. Go on a bike ride with my friends in the rain.

36. Spend a whole day with my friends outside in the rain.

37. Save someone’s life.(done)

38. Start a band and have at least 10 concerts before we go under.

39. Release an album.

40. read over 100 web comics. br />
41. Collect over 100 different kinds of shoelaces (none round and none that don’t need to be tied. I dislike those)

42. Win state in the UIL One Act Play competition. (one last chance)

43. Live past the age of 90 and still be able to walk.(though i don't want to live that long)

44. Win at least one merit award at school. (not counting perfect attendance) (done)

45. Download 1000 songs. (I’m currently up to 552)

46. Raise a son that speaks 4 languages before he’s 6 and knows more geography than I know now. He’ll also know his math quite well. He’ll be able to read, and write. And he’ll be wise beyond his years, and then I’ll put him in the best darn private school I can find and they’ll teach him to the best of their ability and he’ll be very social and not some nerdy loser with no friends. He’ll be decent and have good morals that he sticks to. He’ll find a great lady and marry her lateish in his years and he’ll be rich and prosper wonderfully.

47. Make all hundreds in at least one of my academic classes. (can't. too lazy...)

48. Make over 100 things to do on this list.

49. Write a book of poetry and get it published.

50. Spend a whole day lying in a hammock in the rain listening to music.

51. Make an uneven number of things to do on my wishlist. (done)

52. Make a perfect score on the SATs

53. Graduate early (though I've decided I'm not going to)

54. Play "Watchman #2" in "Much Ado About Nothing" (*done)

55. Actually keep up with my blog

56. change my blog template (done this one lots of times)

57. Move away from my parents

58. be dirt poor for a while

59. travel around living off of a simple theatrical productions for almost no money

60. grow out my hair long enough to put it all in a pony tail

61. Wear my pencil costume into a fancy resturaunt, or to the prom, or something very formal.

62. keep myself out of love triangles from now on.

63. play the part of Macduff in Makbeth (done)

64. play the part of Raul in Phantom of the Opera.